

We, in the US, have an election coming up—a blinding statement of the obvious I realize.  Unless you live under a rock, we are being inundated with polls, talking points, and campaign rhetoric, ad nauseum. ( I feel it and I live in Australia!!) So what is a Christian to do?  How are we to sift through the mountains of speeches, debates and promises to arrive at a logical selection for not just president, but for every other candidate and bond issue on the ballot?

First and foremost, we must not check our Christian beliefs and ethics at the polling house door.  We cannot go anywhere in the world without our Christian faith tagging along for the ride.  If we are able separate our faith from anything else in our lives, a closer examination of the state of our journey through sanctification might be in order.  We are Christians and this is the lens through which we examine candidates, purchase homes, study in schools, and select ripe grapefruit.  There is nothing that does not come under the scrutiny of Christ (remember Abraham Kuyper’s quote “In the total expanse of human life there is not a single square inch of which the Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not declare, ‘That is mine!’”).  Nothing escapes the prying eyes of Christ who looks over our shoulder, whispers in our ears, and occupies our minds so that we might be guided by his Truths.

Continuing on…how then do we go about examining the potential candidates, Democrat and Republican?  What can the bible offer us on how best to weed out candidates so as to support those with strong Christian ethics?  I am assuming here that it makes no sense for Christians to support candidates who do not espouse Christian ethics.  If we take seriously Jesus command to go into all nations… that command begins at home, in our communities, in our nation, and in the world.  Whether Republican or Democrat, our hope and desire is to put into office faithful Christians who recognize their limitations, confess their sins, and persevere under attacks which will be legion.  Perfection is not attainable so to expect that or close to that in our candidates is unreasonable and unbiblical.

Now someone might hear echoes of that trusty old political mantra in the back of his mind, “Separation of Church and State!…Separation of Church and State!”  This is a Jeffersonianism or a Madisonianism or a Voltaireism and not biblical.  Nowhere in all of scripture will we see any attempt by faithful followers of Yahweh to do such a crazy thing and for good reason.  It cannot and should not be done.  Keeping the State out of the Church is a necessity, but keeping the Church out of the government is an impossibility.  While there are followers of Yahweh on this earth, the government will be influenced by its precepts and thankfully so.  (I would not include followers of Islam in this group because when you examine the characteristics of Allah with those of the biblical Yahweh, it becomes readily apparent the two deities are not the same, but this is not the subject of this blog.)  I can also hear the cries of “We don’t live in a theocracy! We live in a democracy…a republic…a monarchy…etc.”  Well, here’s the thing… the breaking news.  We DO live in a theocracy whether we realize it or not because GOD rules!  He always has and He always will.  No matter what form our earthly governments take they are ALL subject to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.” (Romans 13:1-2)  So let’s not mollycoddle Truth—we must proclaim this from the roof tops.

So how does this help us with our upcoming electoral decisions?  Possibly not much but as we read the newspapers, examine the issues, listen to the candidates and tick the box or flip the switch, remember “whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17)  We are Christians first and Democrats or Republicans second, third, fourth, or whatever.  We must never forget that and vote accordingly.  Not voting borders on heresy–strong words I know but worth noting.  If we are to be the salt and light in this world one of the best ways to do so is by participating in our elections (especially considering the privilege is not afforded to many in the world).  Neglecting to vote hides our light under a basket and blocks the light with which the world should see Christ.


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